11月24日过了一个很愉快的下午———虽然出席朋友不到70人,但即使没有了嘉宾莅临、有奖游戏、精心剪辑的片段、司仪们不停插科打浑,以至相当不错的中西日式自助茶点小食———这个3小时半的聚会,亦足以叫人心旷神怡……原因是,所有人都是为纪念小龙62岁冥寿而赴会,单是这份深情诚意,其他安排已变得没有什麽关系了!下面是有关此次聚会的照片,让未能参予的朋友也可稍稍分享、感受下那舒怀畅快的一刻。 |
照片说明:在聚会开始前,工作人员先来个合照。左起: 罗振光(作家) |
照片说明:全体出席龙迷大合照 |
照片说明:施介强(电影《千禧巨龙》导演》、青蜂侠助手KATO? |
曲终人散…… 此时,香港电台的直播节目,很应境地传来一首由小龙翻译的《我侬词》(管道升)———其胞弟收录此词於自己创作的“小龙曲”前,并以古筝陪伴朗诵,甚具气氛———现时听来,词中意,更深刻……
下面且将小龙手笔与原作贴出如下: |
PARTING Who knows when meeting shall ever be. It might be for years or It might be forever. Let us then take a lump of clay, Wet it, pat it, And make an image of you And an image of me. Then smash them, crash them, And, with a little water, Knead them together. And out of the clay we'll remake An image of you, and an image of me. Thus in my clay, there's a little of you, And in your clay, there's a little of me. And nothing will ever set us apart. Living, we'll be forever in each other's heart, And dead, we'll be buried together. |
原作:《我侬词》管道升 你侬我侬,忒煞情多;
本文摘自“振藩截拳道论坛” |